So for the second time I included my details, a copy of the Embassy letter and included all the requirements to get another case number, while ensuring I included the first. Still, a nice guy there said ' Please proceed to to redeem your product.' I wrote to identite because Amazon UK had incorrectly given them as the redeeming outfit, but they only handle US serials. LM: Please allow me 1-2 minutes to review your account details. But after all this, I am talking with someone who ap[ears not to know the process.

I sent a copy of a letter from the Embassy showing that I work for the institution. I needed my identity 'authorized' as a teacher at an institution, so Adobe could issue me with a serial number. LM: We only provide the serial number who bought form our Adobe website

LM: I am sorry but the serial number will provide form Amazon as you bought the product form them but it was inadvertently closed before I was issued with a serial number. I need my identity 'authorized' so I opened a case on the Adobe site yesterday, number ADB-******-F2N3. I am a teacher so I purchased the education version. LM: Amazon is a a Reseller so i suggest to contact to Amazon as you bought the product form them they will help you Info: Your chat transcript will be sent to at the end of your chat. LM: So you purchase a product form Amazon right I basically need a serial number for Acrobat DC Ed version that I purchased yesterday from Amazon UK actually it was closer to 40 minutes! I eventually 'chatted' with an outsourced gentleman whose English was at a poor level. I was told I was 27th in the cue and that the wait time was 2 minutes. I have never been so frustrated for a long time. Eventually, after opening a case and it being inadvertently closed, I called 'chat'. I have been run around after purchasing a downloadable copy of Acrobat from Amazon in the UK.